Tuesday 30 August 2016

Computer Application 29-8-2016


  Today is the day of back to school ! I'm nervous because wonder who will be teaching Computer Application this subject and meeting new friends and seeing old friends again. Well , at least I'm still with Bernard tan fazhng churn together this semester, this is our 4th semester together XD.

Not too expect what gonna happen later , and until i saw Ms.Wan Irma in the class ,feeling happy because she's been teaching me 3rd semester already haha . Class is started a bit crowded and Bernard still haven't come so I make him a call and wake him out ,so later on He reached . Class started and Ms.Wan Irma starting to introduce herself and I saw some new intake student and suddenly Me and Bernard feel old , because this is our 4th semester taking year 1 subject xD.

We all introduce our-self as Lecturer asked for . Later on, Ms.wan start telling us about the coursework stuff and guaranteed us can take A+ . After that Our lecturer teaching us the first chapter of this subject .

So She taught us what is all about this subject . Well so far i know that this subject is all about theory no calculation , I don't know whether laugh or cry haha , just joking. Back to the point Computer Application is about the function and how it work in the computer .

   What is a computer
  1.  A computer is an electronic device,operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory.
  2. It will collects data(input),processing and produces information(output) in a Information Processing Cycle.
  The Components of a Computer
- A computer contains many electric, electronic, and mechanical components known as hardware 
  1. Input device-allows you to enter data and instructions into a computer.
  2. Output device-hardware component that conveys information to one or more people.
  3. System unit-case that contains the electronic components of the computer that are used to process data
  4. Storage device-record (writes) and/or retrieves (reads) item to and from storage media.
  5. Communications device-enables a computer to send and receive data,instructions,and information to and from one or more computers or mobile devices.
 Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers

Advantages                                                 Disadvantages             
Speed                                                          Health Risks
Reliability                                                     Violation of Privacy
Consistency                                                  Public Safety
Storage                                                         Impact on Labor Force
Communications                                           Impact on Environment

- Green Computing involves reducing the electricity consumed and enviromental waste generated when using a computer

 -Strategies include: 
  1. Recycling
  2. Regulating the manufacturing processes
  3. extending the life of computers
  4. Immediately donating or properly disposing of replaced computer
Networks and the Internet
- A network is a collection of computers and devices connected together, often wirelessly, via communications device and transmission media.

- The Internet is a worldwide collection of networks that connects million of businesses , government agencies, educational institutions, and individuals.

People use the internet for a variety of reasons.

Example: Communicate, Research and access information , SHOP , Bank and Invest , Online Trading , Entertainment , Download Videos , Share Information and Web Application .  

-A Social networking Web site encourages members to share their interests, idea, stories, photo, music , and videos with other registered users.

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